Friday, September 21, 2012


This is our second assignment with encaustic wax but this time instead of layering the wax we painted with it. I put forth a lot of effort with this project & it came out ok. I don't think this is my best work. Painting was very difficult because the wax drys so fast. I will continue to get better as the year progress.


  1. I still can't believe you don't LOVE this. The texture is something that you couldn't find in anything but encaustic. Plus, The colors in the beak make it obvious that it's a tucan, but still lets it look abstracted.


  2. I really like this too. I think the texture you were able to make is amazing. It would take me a month just to create such a greatly abstract toucan the best i can.

  3. It is amazing how you started out and finished! I love the colors you used in this and texture also.

  4. I don't really know why I love this so much I just do! The texture is really cool and the colors inside the toucan add a lot of interest. Congrats, you definitely beat me on this project. :)

  5. This is actually super cool! I agree with everyone about the texture and colors. I also like how the toucan is outlined in gold to make it pop. nice job!
