Monday, January 30, 2012


This project was inspired by David Carson and is typography. The best thing i like about this piece is the colors because it just brings the city out. The process i used to do the background is by splatter painting. What i learn not to do again is waist time and do things fast, i feel like i wasted  a lot of time and tried to rush at the last minute.


  1. The warm colors on top and then cool on the bottom looks really neat. I used the contrast between warm and cool colors in one of my watercolors!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The name in the piece speaks for itself. It's crazy! Which is not a bad thing because all of the components somehow come together. I like how you did the piece vertical instead of horizontal (which landscapes are normally done in) since I've seen more horizontal pieces of art than vertical.

  4. I really like how this piece came altogether at the end. The crazy bakground creates a chaotic atmoshpere which is perfect for the piece. Great job!
